Digital innovation in Living Lab environments

09 Oct 2023




This workshop is designed to offer a comprehensive insight into co-creation and experimentation within Living Lab environments, especially those focusing on digital solutions. Living Labs offer a unique ecosystem for innovation, where stakeholders collaborate to design, test, and refine digital solutions. 

Why a workshop on digital innovation in Living Lab environments

Local Digital Twins (LDT) and other digital solutions are becoming increasingly important for urban planning and development. LDT offer a virtual representation of a city's physical assets, processes, and systems, enabling cities to make data-driven decisions and create more efficient, sustainable, and livable environments. 

However, the successful implementation of digital solutions requires collaboration and co-creation between various stakeholders, including citizens, businesses, and government entities. 

Living Labs are innovative environments that foster user-driven research, experimentation, and co-creation. They provide a framework for involving citizens and other stakeholders in the development and testing of new technologies and services.  

This workshop aims to explore how Living Lab methodologies can be applied to Digital Twins, Data Spaces, and AI innovation, ensuring that they meet the needs and expectations of the communities they serve. 



14:00 - 14:10: Welcome and introduction - Kaisa Spilling, Forum Virium Helsinki & Giacomo Lozzi, ENoLL 

14:10 - 14:25: Madrid Living Lab Digital Twin ( - Sergio Fernández Balaguer, Head of Department at EMT - Transport Company Madrid. 

14:25 - 14:45: Co-creation, experimentation methods, and tools - Dimitri Schuurman, imec 

14:45 - 14:55: Questions & answers 

14:55 - 15:05: Break  

15:05 - 15:50: Interactive exercise 

  • Participants engage in a practical exercise related to Digital Twin and Living Lab collaboration. 

15:50 - 16:00: Wrap-up and next steps 


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