Data-driven cities: digital technologies for inclusive and sustainable decision-making processes

EU Regions week session poster
11 Oct 2022

Digital technology can facilitate participatory urban planning by empowering citizens and turning them from passive recipients of policy to active agents of city change. With the support of the community, the European Commission and the Committee of Regions, as well as innovative tools and practices from the URBANAGE and URBANITE projects, citizens, urban planners and policy-makers can build smarter cities that are healthier, happier, and which meet future demands for all.

The New European Bauhaus initiative calls on us all to imagine and build together a sustainable and inclusive future that is beautiful for our eyes, minds, and souls. This workshop presents good practices for designing cities through participatory urban planning and demonstrates how new technologies, such as Digital Twins, AI and simulation, can be leveraged to disrupt the urban planning status quo to create sustainable urban experiences that benefit all. 

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