Artificial intelligence in our cities and regions

23 Nov 2023

Curious about new ideas and impulses on how you can achieve improvements in your community, city, district or region through digitization? Then this webinar is for you!

Artificial intelligence (AI) is changing our world, which is proved by phenomenons like ChatGPT. The chances and risks of this technology are being highly discussed by the general public. 

We would like to take up this ball and discuss with you the possibilities of AI in smart municipalities and regions. Our focus topic is: "AI and municipalities - simply intelligent." 

Together with international experts we will look at: 

  • What is the state of the art? 
  • What use cases already exist? 
  • Where does AI generate concrete added value in municipalities? 
  • What does it take to use AI profitably and responsibly? 
  • Can small and medium-sized municipalities also use AI? 
  • And where is the journey going? 

Attendance is online and free of charge!

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