Official name
Czech Republic
ISO alpha-2 code
ISO alpha-3 code
ISO numeric-3 code

Union of Towns and Municipalities of the Czech Republic (SMO CR)

With research, funding initiatives and model projects in the topic field Smart Cities, the German Federal Government supports municipalities in strategically shaping digitalisation in terms of integrated, sustainable and common good oriented urban development. On behalf of the Federal Ministry for Housing, Urban Development and Building (BMWSB), the BBSR deals with questions of digital transformation in municipalities and analyses the potentials, opportunities and challenges of digitalisation for an integrated urban development. 

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Community-led Local Development and Smart Villages as Innovative Tools for Effective Development of the Rural Areas

The seminar in Lednice will bring together representatives of the European Parliament, the Committee of the Regions and the European Commission, as well as of local development projects funded and supported by EU programmes. Together, they will celebrate the launch of the Czech Rural Pact as well as take a closer look at rural development and remedying disparities between European regions through financial and practical instruments.

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