ERRIN, The European Regions Research and Innovation Network is a well-known Brussels-based platform that gathers around 120 regional organisations from more than 20 European countries. ERRIN supports members to enhance their regional and local research and innovation capacities and further develop their R&I ecosystems. In addition to thematic Working Groups which pick up the topic of digitalisation in cities and regions, ERRIN also has a dedicated cross-cutting ICT WG. Its aim is to provide a platform offering information about important European initiatives, strategies and funding programmes related to ICT topics and their regional dimension. Led by representatives of several European regions and cities, the Working Group aims to engage its members in making the most out of digital transformation. This is done among other things by showcasing relevant opportunities, inspiring practices and solutions of public interest during organised events, encouraging benchmarking. A bottom-up approach which can be found at the core of the WG, allows it to focus on issues of most relevance to members and benefit from links with European projects developed by ERRIN, such as DT4REGIONS.

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